The Golden Goose

The Golden Goose

There were three sons, the youngest of whom was called Simpleton.
One day, the eldest and second son went into forest bringing a delicious pancake and a wine.
Neither of them gave it to a little old grey man when he asked them to give him a bit of which they have, so they got hurt and went home.
Instead of them, the youngest son went into forest, but their parents give him a shabby cake and a sour beer. But, as soon as he gave those to a little old grey man, those became a rich pancake and good wine.
And, a little grey old man taught him where to find the golden goose.
Anyone other than him who touched the goose unable to leave, so a long line was formed by those who touched the goose.
The king, who rarely laughs, laughed at such a scene. And this triggered that the boy and the daughter of the King got married, and he lived long and happily with his wife.




