
8月, 2020の投稿を表示しています


FROGGY PLAYS SOCCER Froggy couldn't sleep.  He looked out  the window.  The full moon was rising. It looked like a soccer ball.  " Tomorrow's the big game! "  he said out loud.  "If we beat the Wild Things we win the City Cup!"  Froggy was bursting to go and he went to the soccer field with his father. He made mistakes many time. He was told that he must not use his hands, but he used his hands to catch a ball before the net. But, finally, he stuck his hands in his mouth and power-kicked the ball and the ball smack into the goal!!! I read like this book very much!! It was a so funny story. My favorite scene was that he stuck his hands in his mouth to avoid using his hands😂 Please read once!! Thank you for watching. --Vocabulary---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- burst : うずうずしていた jammed : jamの過去形、無理に押し込む stuffed : stuffの過去形、つめる stuck : stickの過去形、刺す ticki


FROGGY GOES TO SCHOOL It was the first day of school. Froggy woke up and looked out the window. The sun was high in the sky. "Oh, no! The bus! The bus!" he cried. "I'll miss the bus!" He hopped out of the bed and flopped outside - flop, flop, flop. The school bus was leaving. "Wait! Wait!" he yelled, and took a mighty hop. He rode the school bus only wore his underwear in his dream. He was woke up by his father and it was the first day of school. Froggy got dressed and he rode bus to school. Froggy had a good time at school with his friends and teachers and he enjoyed everything at school. I often dream something realistic disgusting like Froggy dreamed, so I sympathized very much. This book has so cute pictures, so everyone like it! Please read once!!! Thank you for watching. --Vocabulary---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rub : こする squirmed : squirmの過去形・過去分詞


FROGGYS HALLOWEEN For Froggy, Halloween meant candy. But it also meant dressing up. And he wondered, "What should I be for Halloween?" "I know" cried Froggy. "Super Frog" "Flying over the city. Faster than a dragonfly! Stronger than a bullfrog!" A week before Halloween, he dreamed of dressing up as various things, such as Super frog. However, he wanted become something scarier, so he decided to dress up like vampire, but it was not good. So all week at school, he wondered. In the morning of Halloween, he became the Frog Prince. That night, all the ghosts and goblins crept out to trick-or-treat, and he was given tons of candy in his candy bag. But, his sword had torn a hole in it, so by the time he got home his candy was all gone... This was a fanny book. Finally, his mother made chocolate-covered flies, so he looks so happy. Froggy's books series always have happy ending, so I like Froggy!!! Thank you for watching. --Vo


FROGGY BAKES A CAKE It was Froggy's mother's birthday. FRROGGYY! called his father. "Wha-a-a-at?" "Help me bake a cake for your mother." "Oh, pleeeaassse," cried Froggy. "I want to do it all by myself!" So Froggy flopped into the kitchen - flop flop flop. "You'll need flour," said his father. "And sugar and chocolate." "I know!" cried Froggy.  Froggy prepared for his mother's birthday with his father. Froggy tried to make cake. And while waiting for the cake to bake, they blew up the balloons. Then, they sat the table. After that, he opened the oven door, but the cake exploded, so he make a fresh mud pie with candle in it instead. Finally, His mother really rejoiced. I loved this book very much, because I also became happy to see them look happy. Froggy is very kind and cute flog boy. I want many people read this book!!! Thank you watching. --Vocabulary---------------


FROGGY LEANS TO SWIM It was hot. "It's a great day for a swim!" said Froggy's mother. So Froggy and his parents flopped outside to the pond - flop, flop, flop. "On your mark ... get set ... go!" Froggy's father sailed in - splash! Froggy's mother sailed in - splash! But where was Froggy?   Froggy and his parents swam in the pond. Froggy were not good at swimming, so his parents told him how to swim well. Then, he became to like to swim, and finally,  he swam all night long. I have read Froggy series for many times, and I found Froggy always fails something. In this book, my favorite his failure was that his bathing suit were came off in the pond. I want many people read Froggy's book series. Thank you for watching. --Vocabulary--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fiddlesticks : ばからしい glub : 水の泡の音 blub : 鼻を鳴らしてなく sank : sinkの過去形、沈んだ


TORNADO ALLEY You are a writer. You live in New York City and write for a big news website. You write travel stories, but your dream is to write the news. One day you hope to see your name on a big story.   You started in a small town in Missouri to write about them. You walked into a restaurant. Then, you knew these area was called "Tornado Alley" because people did get tornade here from time to time. And, waitress told you if you heard the silent that told tornadoes were touching down, just found a shelter and you will be fine. When you started on Main Street and keep walking, the tornado siren started. Suddenly, a car goes by. What would you do?  Do you get in the car? or do you run back to town? I have read Atamaii-Books series before, I thought the first one was easier than this book to read. It is because, the before one I read was not realistic, so I could enjoy reading and choose a choice, but this one was realistic and I felt little scary. However, Atamaii-Books se


THE OOZE You are a college student. You live alone in your apartment near the college. Most days you wake up,walk to class, and then turn home. You study a little, you party a little. You sleep a lot. You don't clean up your apartment very often.   The next day, your new class mate came, so you started to clean up your apartment. When you cleaned the bathroom and stuck a brush inside the drain, you pulled a sloimy green...ooze! This ooze is alive. What would you do? Do you keep the ooze as your pet? or do you take it to school, to find out what it is?  I read Atama-ii Books for the first time. There were two choices at some turning poits of the story, which changes the ending. I thought it was like a game and I enjoyed reading this book. I want to read other Atama-ii Books.  Thank you for watching.  -Vocabulary----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ooze: 固体と液体の間のスライムのような物体 plop